Additional image for Travel Law

Successfully migrated the Travel Law firm’s website from Drupal 6 to a modern, static website powered by HoZt, while maintaining content integrity and improving overall performance and user experience.

Comprehensive Data Migration

  • Seamlessly transferred all website pages, blog posts, and legal resources
  • Preserved complex taxonomies and content relationships
  • Ensured continuity of all historical content

Custom Static Site Generation

  • Implemented HoZt static website generator for improved performance
  • Integrated WordPress as a headless CMS for easy content management
  • Set up automated build and deployment processes

Design and User Experience

  • Created a clean, minimalist design as per client requirements
  • Improved site navigation and information architecture
  • Ensured responsive design for optimal viewing across devices

Performance Optimization

  • Achieved significant improvements in page load times
  • Implemented advanced caching strategies
  • Optimized assets for faster content delivery

SEO Preservation

  • Implemented automatic 301 redirects to maintain SEO value
  • Preserved URL structures where possible
  • Enhanced on-page SEO elements including meta tags and structured data

Custom Functionality

  • Developed a bespoke search solution for easy access to legal resources
  • Implemented faceted navigation for blog posts and case studies
  • Created custom content types for specialized legal information

Content Management

  • Set up an intuitive WordPress backend for easy content updates
  • Provided training for client team on new content management processes
  • Implemented version control for content changes

Security Enhancements

  • Leveraged static site architecture for improved security
  • Implemented SSL/TLS encryption
  • Reduced attack surface by eliminating server-side processing

The migration to a HoZt-powered static website significantly improved the Travel Law firm’s online presence. The new site boasts faster load times, enhanced security, and a cleaner user interface. The integration with WordPress as a headless CMS allows for easy content management while maintaining the performance benefits of a static site.This project showcases our expertise in complex migrations, custom static site development, and creating tailored solutions that balance client needs with modern web best practices.